I wanted to share with you about a new opportunity we have
been asked to be a part of. The pastors of Wabash 1st UMC,
Richvalley UMC, Lincolnville UMC, and myself have been discussing creating a Cooperative Parish. This model has not
been tried. It would deal with some issues the United Methodist Church is
facing both at the Conference level and the local level.
Conference level: In 2015, 100 elders will be
retiring, and only 18 are being ordained.
Local Church level: The local parish will be the
one losing its pastor. Not only that, but no one pastor excels with all things
pastors are to do.
Large churches get around these issues by planting compass
sights. They hire multiple pastors who are specialized in ministry so they get
the best each person has to offer. They use technology to multiply preaching
and other ministries.
Our small churches have been looking into sharing leadership
and other resources the way large churches do with compass ministries. The big difference
is that all our churches would be sharing these resources as equals, not as
off-shoots of a mother church.

So where would we start to form a Cooperative Parish
First, we must ask
ourselves, “Are we willing? Would we be willing to share a pastor and expertise
with other churches in exchange for their shared resources?
If the answer is yes, then we can talk about areas of
ministry we could share those resources in:
Youth Ministry. Coming in February, we will be
inviting parents and youth to form one youth group made of members of all 4
VBS: We could share curriculum and volunteers
for 4 programs in 4 locations this summer. (Note: We could still partner with
La Fontaine Christian Church, if they are willing to use the same curriculum.)
Preaching: What would we be okay with in shared
preaching? Podcast or live preacher; same live person for a sermon series and
then we could change or is it okay to have a different person each week? Or
would we want a primary preacher with other pastors taking a few weeks?
Teaching/small groups: Would you be willing to
go to a small group with people from different congregations?
What would you be interested in studying?
When and where would that small group meet?
I invite you to start the conversation of what this would
look like for our congregation. Share them with me and others on my blog, and
see others’ ideas as well. I also want to invite you to start talking to
friends and family in these other congregations as we brainstorm. Most
importantly, pray with me as we begin exploring how God may be moving our
church forward in cooperation.
Join us in conversation on our group page "Wabash County Cooperative Parish" on Facebook here: