Charge Conference had one central message this year: Our relationships with unchurched people
So this blog is all about that first part: Relationships.
Christianity, from its inception. No…before Christ…back to
the Adam and Eve…has been about relationships. The primary relationship it is
concerned with is our relationship with God. The secondary relationship it is
concerned with is from person to person.
Yet somewhere along the line in America, we have forgotten.
The Body of Christ, the church, whose main role is to promote right
relationship with God and right relationship with others, somehow got swallowed
up. Church has become about performance in worship, knowledge in small groups,
doing for strangers we never intend to meet in missions, and organizing events
and programs in nurture. Somewhere along the line, we have made church a
business where we all have our assignments to keep the business running.
Insiders have become employees and outsiders have become projects and
customers. And it’s not working.
It is time to try something new (or old?). It is time to start talking
about church, about measuring church by our relationships and their health. That
means that our number one priority as a congregation, as individuals is to
start building relationships.
So what does it take to build relationships? The most
important relationships in my life had these three things in common:

I had to
spend time WITH that person. This, I would argue, is the main thing that
creates relationships. I can give things and time to people and never have a
relationship with them. I may know about them and want to help, but I don’t
really know them. But, when I spend time with someone, things all the sudden
get real. And the more time I spend with them, the more I care about them. The
more of Christ I have to show them.
I didn’t
give up ON that person. If I spend enough time with them, eventually I am
going to do something to tick them off. And then I will have to show them what
it means to repent, because that’s what I will need to do. Eventually they will
do something that really ticks me off. And then I will have to show them what
it means to forgive someone. That is when what Jesus does gets real.
If we are serious about sharing Jesus with the unchurched,
all the real work is here. We should all have people outside of a community of
faith that we are building relationships with. So, who are those people in your
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