Sunday, February 22, 2015

Prophetic Voice

It’s one of those things pastors are called to do. We are called to speak truth into the lives of God’s people. Prophets point out our community sin. They bring us back to core issues of faith. They challenge us.

But mostly they make us uncomfortable. We hear their warnings as threats. We see their ability to speak out as an affront to our personhood. We make excuses, ignoring and chastising their calls. Things don’t go well for the prophet.

I have a lot of fear around being  prophetic. I wish I didn’t, but I do. I second guess myself. I listen to the voices who seek to quiet me. I pull back and hide in safety.

God, I hope you change this about me. I pray that you give me courage to do and say what needs said. I pray that you give me wisdom in when and how I say it. I pray for perseverance in the face of adversity, when what I do and say is not well received. I pray that you would raise up my voice.

I pray this that I may be more like Jesus. Jesus…who ticked off community and church leaders, relatives, and even his disciples. I want to be like him…but I fear the cross his voice led to.

So God, I need you. I need you to quiet my heart and strengthen my soul. Perhaps I need not be fearless. Perhaps I need just to know you are with me.

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