Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pastor Jorge's Visit

It was a day of praise as we welcomed Pastor Jorge into our midst on Saturday morning. We heard about the new disciples being made among the Lenca people and how God is using the church to find short term and long term solutions to the poverty they face. We talked about a potential visit to Honduras in the spring as well and what we may be doing there. I even got to become “friends” with Pastor Jorge on Facebook. 

The most moving part of our visit was to hear Pastor Jorge share how our Honduras brothers and sisters have been praying for La Fontaine UMC through its rough times and are praising God for our renewed sense of mission and hope. The reason this was so powerful is because it points to our partnership with the church in Honduras. The giving and receiving is not in only one direction. When they are in need, we reach out them and when we are in need, they reach out to us. There is something deeply powerful and humbling in knowing that God’s church across borders has been praying for US. Perhaps that is why we are still here.

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