This year, parents of KICK kids are my Facebook friends, and
I got to see them post the announcements about upcoming KICK. I got to hear my
daughter’s excitement, and questions every week, “When do we have KICK again?
Is Kick THIS week?” I got to hear her describe KICK to her little kindergarten brother.
I got to see his excitement. The day of KICK, I received a text… “I had lunch
at the elementary today with my daughter…she and her friends are super excited
about this afternoon.” I got to here our nervous crew wonder if we had enough
room in the church van for everyone. Best of all, I got the bear-hugs of our
returning crew. And when my own little ornery kindergartner got home, he told
me it had lived up to his expectation of awesome-ness. That experience as a
pastor is one you hold on to when things look bleak.
I have to admit, I am just as excited about KICK as the
kids. I think our focus this semester is going to be one that God really uses
in their lives. This semester we are going to be talking about The Patriarchs
and mapping the great-great-great-etc grandfathers of Jesus. As I have been
getting ready, I have noticed that Jesus’ ancestors had anything but a “traditional”
family. I think many of our kids will identify with the challenges having a
mixed family brings. In fact, as we finished the day, one little one shared
with me that his dad was in the process of moving out. It was one of those
moments when you know God was picking the lessons intentionally.
It makes me wonder how God will use our lessons through the
1. This last week we started with Abraham and Sarah and the 3
strangers who turned out to be angels. I wonder if any of our kids have had to
share their house or even their bedroom with an unexpected house guest?
2. Next week, we will be focusing on Isaac’s half-brother
Ishmael and Ishmael’s mom, Hagar and how God provided for them when Abraham
kicked them out of the house. I wonder if any of our little ones have had to
move out abruptly?
3. Then we will be talking about Abraham taking Isaac to be
sacrificed. Do you think any of these kids might have been asked to do hard
things and been unsure that God would provide?
4. Next we will talk about Isaac lying about Rebekah to the
Egyptian king. I bet each of these kids can think of a time they lied because
they were scared to tell the truth.
5. Then we will talk about Jacob tricking his father into
giving him the blessing of the first born. How many of these little ones have
experienced a family member taking advantage of another family member?
6. Then we will talk about Jacob being named Israel. Even
though these families messed up, and did the wrong thing, God still kept his
promise to Abraham. I think all of us can think of a time that we messed up,
and we all need to know, that God can forgive ANYTHING.
The thought makes me thankful that God is there for us when
our family life is not ideal. God is used to working with families like that!